The First Sunshine Blogger Award in 2020 of Yahari Bento!!

The brightest blog award in the year 2020 by my lovely blogger who nominates Yahari Bento for The Sunshine Blogger Award! I am late for responding Yomu‘s nomination but I will treasure it. Clannad anime is what I am interested and the review by Yomu is like the sunshine for me. Thank you so much for writing that anime review and thinking of me when you did this nomination. It’s my honor that was nominated by you. ♥♥
If I am nominated for this award again, I will update it.


  1. Display Award
  2. Thanks for the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you.
  3. Answer the 11 questions they’ve written for you.
  4. Summon Nominate 11 bloggers from the magic circle and write then 11 new questions.

Eleven Combo Questions

Let me answer these 11 questions.

  1. If you had the ability to hear the voices of inanimate objects, which one would you find the most annoying to converse with?
    The sound of the frequency when I can’t find the consistent radio wave. Za Zaaa.
  2. Would you rather have heat or cold resistance?
    I hope I have both!
  3. Can anyone tell me who made arrange these cookies? (Cardcaptor Sakura - Clear Card Arc Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Cardcaptor Sakura - Thẻ bài pha lê カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編 anime)Do you prefer cookies or doughnuts?
    … Both!! ^ q^) I can’t choose any of them.
  4. What is the best time of year for tourists to visit in your home country?
    Every season.
  5. What was your first job?
    Housework, the endless job.
  6. What’s the next anime on your watch list?
    Fate/Heaven’s Feel!
  7. What anime high school is your favorite?
    Kotonoha no Niwa.
  8. If I gave you 5 dollars, and you had to spend it, what would you spend it on?
    Donate partly.
  9. What anime superpower / magic / ability is your favorite?
    Or Sephiria Arks (セフィリア アークス)'s going to conquer Train Heartnet (トレイン ハートネット)'s heart? (Black Cat ブラック・キャット 黑猫 anime ep15)Black Cat. Tao power! Also, Sephiria Arks‘s sword skill is so cool.
  10. What’s your preferred anime length?
    It’s up to the story.
  11. About that zombie apocalypse, it’s still coming. Which anime character do you think would make for a good zombie?
    Huh? I can’t imagine how to be a good zombie. Anyone who is drunk, maybe.

My Honorable Nominees.

So, let me become the donut summoner.

The spirit of otaku donut bloggers, please hear my words and descend to the Yahari Bento! (Zoom!!) :3

  1. Moe Sucks
  2. Anime Pigtail Passion
  3. Precious Jasmin
  4. The Animanga Spellbook
  5. Anime Cafe
  6. Pinkie’s Paradise
  7. Kalt In Thought
  8. The Anime Rambler – By Benigmatica
  10. This Siti Never Sleeps At Night
  11. Avie’s Blog

My 11 questions for you who I nominated.

  1. Do you like morning sun or afternoon sun?
  2. If we have two suns, what will you do?
  3. Do you like summer?
  4. 2 favorite characters in anime/manga who make you think about the sun.
  5. Your favorite drink when it’s summer is…
  6. Please tell me your fav character who has red hair or blond hair or white hair? You can say more than one character.
  7. When it’s too hot, the ability/magic you want to use is…
  8. Yomu asked me about donuts, do you like donuts?
  9. When it’s hot, do you pick the cold drinks or hot drinks?
  10. Your favorite hot drink?
  11. Do you ever eat Hotdish? I hope it’s delicious.


If you ever visited my blog before, you’d notice the new look of this homepage. The block editor is what I’m interested to try for a while but it’s kinda difficult to use until they have layouts that are like the templates that it’s fun for me to try some layouts for my homepage.

I think it’s important to choose the theme for displaying blocks too or it’ll look weird. I filtered with some choices to find the theme that I think it’s interesting such as the theme that allows me to show homepage with the full-screen.

To use the block editor, I think you need to create the new page and you can try any blocks you want. After you published this page, you can display this page as homepage or blog page (I never try to display my page as the blog page though) by going to Customize > Homepage Settings > click “A Static Page” > choose Homepage or Posts Page and select the page you designed > click “Publish” (Red button).

If you choose to show the page you designed as the homepage, it will show how things will be on the homepage. You can also cancel or edit that page anytime if you are not satisfied yet. I tried this block editor and it’s fun. This block editor is going to answer my satisfaction to edit my homepage.

These might help you.


And let me use this post to announce the news. The new project I am focusing on is the remake version of the legendary game (FFVII), Final Fantasy VII Remake. After I found many interesting things in this game, I decide to fall into the trap to influence people how this game is very interesting more than the great graphic, gameplay, and battle systems. Characters I am going to write mainly are these people. ⇓

Of course, I will write other characters too. I can’t stop smiling. ( ^v^)<


Coming soon.


Author: Yahari Bento ( ^ v^)*

Eye wanna eat Quinoa Fried Rice. It would be SO GOOD! SO GOOD! ( ^ )3^)

4 thoughts on “The First Sunshine Blogger Award in 2020 of Yahari Bento!!”

  1. Haha thanks for answering.
    Personally I prefer cookies, BUT Mister Donut is really good, although there are none near me now I tried it when I was in Tokyo!

    The block editor is really handy, I’ve been using it since last year and have been enjoying it although there have been a few issues here and there.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for the nom. I’ve done a different variation of this award, so I’ll answer your questions here:

    Do you like morning sun or afternoon sun?
    Afternoon sun, specifically not the glaring midday sun but the pleasant warm sort you get a few hours after that.

    If we have two suns, what will you do?
    If that one Chinese legend about 10 suns is true, I’d find an archer who could shoot the 2nd one down. If not…I’d just get used to it.

    Do you like summer?
    Not really. Winter you can have heaters, hot drinks and the like, but summer you melt without really meaning to, especially if you move around a lot like I do with volunteering.

    2 favorite characters in anime/manga who make you think about the sun.
    Loke from Fairy Tail (the star sign Leo is represented by the sun) and, although it’s not airing until October 2020 (thanks COVID!), Hifumi Izanami and his sunny disposition.

    Your favorite drink when it’s summer is…
    Ice tea.

    Please tell me your fav character who has red hair or blond hair or white hair? You can say more than one character.
    I have a small list of white-haired anime boys I like – I won’t list them all, so I’ll go with Kyousuke Kuga from Prince of Stride: Alternative, who popped into my head first.

    When it’s too hot, the ability/magic you want to use is…
    Ice magic. For drinks and ice sculptures.

    Yomu asked me about donuts, do you like donuts?
    Yeah, I like jam-filled doughnuts in particular.

    When it’s hot, do you pick the cold drinks or hot drinks?
    Cold, duh. Preferably ice tea, bubble tea or something like that.

    Your favorite hot drink?
    Either tea (the kind I like hot is standard breakfast tea) or, if it counts, soup. Packet soup is nice on cold days, to the point where I’ll have one a day during the coldest months.

    Do you ever eat Hotdish? I hope it’s delicious.
    Never heard of it until you mentioned it. Google-sensei’s results show that it looks like a shepherd’s pie but rectangular…

    Liked by 2 people

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