The First Unique Blogger Award in 2017 of Yahari Bento!

Please let me express my gratitude to my lovely bloggers

  • AURI, the owner of Manga Toritsukareru Koto blog (this blog has many interesting things to explore (include her artworks), if you are the manga adventure, you should not miss!).
  • Shokamoka’s Blog of Wonders – Tons of anime and music reviews and more.
  • CrackReview – various movie reviews like anime, novels, manga, manhwa and others.
  • MATTHEW, the owner of Matt-in-the-hat blog (this blog posts anime/manga reviews along with hot news, also video games)
  • AstralGemini, the owner of The Zodiac Room blog (this blog has various types of high-quality content that’s enjoyable to read).

for nominating Yahari Bento for this great award. This is the first time in year 2017 that I receive The Unique Blogger Award.

When I got this Unique award, I smile like yandere and my voice is creepy. So please let me treasure it. Thank you so much for thinking of me when you did this nominate.

My keyboard is ready like always!! But some text will duplicate from my first Unique Blogger award post, so please don’t mind me.


  1. Display Award
  2. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you.
  3. Answer questions they’ve written for you.
  4. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, summon nominate 8-13 bloggers from the magic circle and asks them 3 questions.

Three Combo Questions

  1. If you reincarnate as a spider that you need to survive in the cruel fantasy world and poisonous monsters are everywhere, when you level up and there are two choices for you to choose (Poison Skill or Poison Resist), which one you want to pick?
  2. If you are a spider, you want to befriend with other monsters (social) or want to hunt them (savage)? (You can choose one only.)
  3. Assume that you can choose color for your body (of course you are spider again), which color you want to paint? (You can choose more than one color.)

ps. I…It’s not like I’m promoting a certain LN, ok?

My Honorable Nominees.

I’m so lucky to be part of the blogging community. So, let me become the summoner.

The spirit of otaku bloggers, please hear my words and descend to the Yahari Bento! (Zoom!!) :3

The First Round

  2. Plyasm’s wormhole
  3. through a glass
  4. Epic Anime
  5. Bookish Frenzy
  6. Ryuji Tatsuya’s Anime Review
  7. Yaoi Playground
  8. Rubi Anime Blog
  9. The Animation Compendium
  10. Animation Station
  11. illtimedaugustrain
  12. The Afictionado
  13. Anime Elysiaa

The Second Round

  1. AnimeAndFandomLife
  2. a dash of dorry
  3. Exploring The World of Anime and Manga
  4. Zero Drama Anime
  5. My Anime Website
  6. GravediggerNALK
  7. My Thoughts of Madness
  8. Inversely Related
  9. The Fullmetal Narcissist
  10. Exploring All Genres
  11. Pop Culture Literary
  12. a smol geeky chica
  13. meltingpotsandothercalamities

The Third Round

  1. Manga Toritsukareru Koto
  2. Richard Goodness’s Blog
  3. KimchiSama
  4. Nipponbunka no ai
  5. anime thoughts
  6. Mammoth Base Opear Castle
  7. LittleGirlyBlogger
  8. The Abnormal Realm
  9. Rewatching Pokemon
  10. Gwyn’s Anime World
  11. JAMS Anime
  12. The Video Game Auditor
  13. Something Animeish

The Fourth Round

  1. animeprinceblog
  2. Spookybrow’s Reviews
  3. The Official Schoolgirl Milky Crisis Blog
  4. lumiinya
  5. GamersGuild
  6. Bookstoooge’s Reviews on the Road
  7. icebreaker694
  8. Beaucoupbooks
  9. The Only Shinyuu Site
  10. Thoughts on anime
  11. Bookneeders
  12. Renxkyoko’s Space
  13. Big City Bookworm

The Fifth Round

  1. Adele Is Reading
  2. Daniel Triumph’s Blog
  3. Books In Her Eyes
  4. Zezee with Books
  5. Lovely Manga
  6. My own galaxy
  7. Sunset Over Ithaca
  8. Games With Coffee
  9. JGTrejo Reviews
  10. MI Book Reviews
  11. The Grumpy Librarian
  12. Shadowlight’s Blog…… Or Something Like That

Author: Yahari Bento ( ^ v^)*

Eye wanna eat Quinoa Fried Rice. It would be SO GOOD! SO GOOD! ( ^ )3^)

37 thoughts on “The First Unique Blogger Award in 2017 of Yahari Bento!”

  1. Yay more things to do when I’m not busy anymore ;.;
    Thanks for the nomination though! I will answer your summon next time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on the award and thanks a lot for nominating! I’ll be sure to write the reply post as soon as I can….

    PS: What’s with the spider thing? 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on the nomination!

    And thank you for the nomination! It’s been a while since I’ve done any blog award posts, but I’ll try to answer your questions here!

    POISON SKILL – gotta be able to attack if people be on offense.
    HUNT – it’s a cruel world.
    Purple and black! Maybe some blue, too. I’ll become a creature of the night!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, congratulations on the award, dude. Appreciate that… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!! Thank you for this award, and don’t worry about duplicate blogger award, I really like this. ( ^ ^)/

      Although I already published this award post already, I will make sure to link you back.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for the nomination. I don’t really know what’s happening cause I’m just new on this. Hopefully I can figure things out. 😃😃

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for the nomination dude! I really appreciate it!

    Anyway, I’ve just posted my nominations on my blog if you want to see my answers to your questions! They were quite interesting to answer.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for putting me on your honorable nominees list, I honestly appreciate that. Idk how this works so idk if I’m even supposed to do anything since I’m not in the top, but congrats on the award 🙂 – Bruno from My Own Galaxy

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow! Thank you for the nomination! I’ll be sure to write a response as soon as I can!

    ~Ryan from Games with Coffee

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks for the award nomination, this is the 1st time i’ve gotten one! Should I put my answers in the comments or should I make a post on my blog?

    Liked by 1 person

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