Oregairu Analysis – I Can’t Believe Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) Wants to … With Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡)!? [Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru.]

Because Haruno “misunderstood” about what Hachiman said to her, “her wishes” was revealed.

Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) is delighted because she meets Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) again. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 Ep 3)

Right now, my Oregairu analysis in Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃)‘s operation fire doughnut reaches to part 5. My analysis this time will focus the short meeting between Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) and Haruno while he is waiting for Hayama Hayato (葉山 隼人) and two girls to begin the double date. This event is very interesting because I will reveal Haruno’s desires that no one ever noticed it before.

If you read her operation part 1-4, let me admire in your high spirit and stamina. However, I wonder you can endure this part. In this part, After Haruno launched a plan that I called “the operation fire doughnut” by managing Hayama fell into her trap so he will hang out with Hachiman’s former classmate and her friend, I will explore “Haruno’s feeling” during they are waiting for Hayama and those two girls. This scene doesn’t appear in anime & manga -Monologue-. So anime watchers and manga readers (only) will never witness that awesome moment.

ps. The former title of this post is “And then, Yukinoshita Haruno launches operation Fire Doughnut. (part 5)” because I think rename it so you will know the main topic is more suitable. That’s why I rename it as you saw. The moment when Haruno and Hachiman are talking is like the break time out of her plan and Hayama’s plan (that I will call “the multidimensional plan” that I will reveal this to you later).

Therefore, although you might read this moment in LN v8, WW did his best to “cover” Haruno’s true feeling so it is really difficult for me to understand it. Earlier, I misunderstood and interpreted that Haruno wants to be free from her mother. But now I realized I was wrong! Wrong! The new result I found after re-analyzed that scene is unbelievable. That’s why I use this post to share my discovery to everyone. You might wonder what I found exactly. I will do my best to make sure the precious time you wasted to read my analyzing will not be in vain. Or you might be one of few people who has a chance to read something no one will write before because I didn’t see anyone mention about this.

In the previous part, part 4, I wrote how she drags Hachiman to go with Hayama’s date group, because she is super curious why he wants Hachiman to go with him so much to the point he bowed to him. And the new thing I wrote in that part 4 is the meaning of Haruno’s “love”.

The scenes in part 5 or should I say, in c5, you might remember when Hachiman was waiting for double date in a cafe nearby and Haruno came to meet him and they have some chat. This scenes seems normal and there are no anything to analyze. However, it appears that there is one thing that moved me to write it especially!

I ever thought Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃)'d add her sister's image in her phone. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 anime Ep 10)In their normal conversation, I can say Watari-sensei tried to cover Haruno’s thought very well. So it is another challenge for me to interpret mysterious character, Haruno. The real challenge for this part is the moment when she is surprised after she heard “Hachiman’s word”. For you who would read LN v8 already, I want you to remember that moment for now. This point is the most difficult to understand why she feels like that. So I finished this post and had my own first assumption that she wants the freedom to do anything she wants and it reflects the manipulation within Yukinoshita family.

However, the second game of this Oregairu story and reviewing LN again helped me understand her feeling. These reference taught me that I should consider her as the normal woman. Her feeling is not complex like I thought in my first assumption. Interpreting can make me understand but it can make me misunderstand too. I am not sure which event happened first, witnessing the truth from ∨n or reading LN v8 again until I realized the new truth, but it is not important. So I returned to write the new assumption that it has nothing to do with the manipulation within her family after all but it reflects her unbelievable desires. I will explain about this later.

Finally, Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) understands what the trio are doing. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 anime ep 12)

Me? Normal woman? Are you kidding me, Yahari Bento?
Yahari Bento!: I-I’m not kidding, I swear!


  • Please read Attention page first, to let you understand that my all analysis are not 100% right.
  • Spoiler up ahead. And I recommend you to read/watch Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. (やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。), Oregairu (俺ガイル) LN/anime Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku (やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続)/manga Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabu Kome wa Machigatteiru. -Monologue- (やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。-妄言録-) before proceed.
The break between Operation Fire Doughnut & the multidimensional plan
Friday, evening
Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo
 LN v8, Anime Zoku ep 4, Manga -Monologue- v7

College student’s activities

Hikigaya Hachiman refuses Yukinoshita Haruno's invitiation. (Oregairu Zoku ep4)
Seriously, why me?

After Haruno succeeds to corner Hachiman to go to double date, he ends up wait in the cafe while killing time until Hayato and two girls will arrive. But he doesn’t expect Haruno will be there and find him. She buys coffee and sits at the seat across from him. He asks her why she is doing here. She gives him a weird answer like usual but she adds more she wants to know why Hayato wants Hachiman to come along so much. He is curious why she has a lot of free time. She gives him the reason why by saying she is the college girl who has money and excellent grades.

ps. For more info, in manga monologue v7, when Haruno said she wants to know why Hayato wants Hachiman to come along so much he needs to bow at him. She said this while she calls him at nighttime. So if you want to see her “dark smile” that mentioned by Hachiman in LN v8 c5, you can see her expression there.

Hachiman agrees that college students would have a lot of time if they don’t do the research, homework or part-time job. But they can have some activities. And the places they can have fun would be near their college.

Haruno is sociable woman who has excellent appearance so that’s why Hachiman wonders about her. She can do many sociable activities together with her friends. It’s surprised to try to live outside the social around college, especially someone like her. We know she hanged out with friends in the shopping mall before but that’s just one time only. She has not any friends who be with her so often. We saw her met Hachiman and others but she will appear alone every time. That’s why he starts to wonder she might not has many friends.

But in order to understand Haruno’s desire during their conversation, I need not to follow Hachiman’s words completely because even him can’t understand her completely. And although Haruno’s reaction toward his silent thought will confirm that his interpretation is collect more or less, his interpretation that she is lonely and her sanctuary is her younger sister, Yukino.

Descend to his logic world

Stage 1

Or this is doughnut from that cafe?
Or this is doughnut from that cafe?

Hachiman wonders what Haruno normally does so he asks her if she doesn’t has many friends (that is the forbidden and rude question, Hachiman. Please don’t copy him). Hearing that, she acts like she is going to break into tears and says he is the only who ever gives her the time. Hachiman is annoyed a bit with her acts but maybe the joke she gives him right now is not a joke.

I almost ignore her act because her reaction and answer annoyed me a little bit. But the truth that she comes to the cafe and spend time right now is the truth. And her act might be the smart action to hide her own true state. I mean, if I am like Hachiman suspects and he points I am like that, it is natural for human to defend/cover. Why? Because I don’t want to feel bad. Just that. Haruno’s reaction is one of techniques to repel the accusation by other. It’s rare if someone will accept that “Yes, I don’t have many friends as you said.” with the honest expression. I bet that person who can do that must be true to her/himself. It’s admirable. To have many friends to comfort myself that “I have many friends, I’m great.” is really… to me. But this is going to out of topic.

Hachiman: “Do you not have very many friends?”
Haruno: “That’s right and the only person who really ever gives me the time is just Hikigaya-kun you see…”

After I reviewed their conversation, I don’t think she is joking when she says as I underlined despite Hachiman will not agree with me because he would think she is joking. I mean, if I am Hachiman, I would not think her words as the truth but I would be annoyed instead. My interpreting toward Haruno this time is plain and simple, I want to explain that she just wants to spend time with him or you can think that he is one of her sanctuary (another one is her little sister that you can see from Hachiman’s interpretation).

When WW tries to tell us that Haruno is lonely and have only few people she can see as the equal via Hachiman’s analyzing, I should gather these info to this consideration because I realized WW’s effort to tell Haruno’s life. Another reason I interpret like this because I try to warn myself that she is not different from other people, a normal woman who has the difficult life but has normal desire. For example, Haruno who is lonely and she has only him who can give her the time.

Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) surprised in opinion of Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃). (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 anime Ep 12)

Hachiman: …Are we referring about the same person?
Yahari Bento!: …Affirmative.

Stage 2

Deep in air bubbles, there are truth he wants to know.
Deep in air bubbles, there are truth he wants to know.

Descend to his logic mode again, with her perfect outward appearances made her to be idolized. However, the bright side has the opposite as well. People respects her by her outer appearances so they will try to get along with her by approaching her. With this result, he wonders more there weren’t many people who she sees as her equal.

I think idolizing someone means that she is standing in high and cold place that reflects her loneliness, those people will not understand her feeling because they cling to her perfect outward appearances or her hidden side but not herself. When we focus at some part, we ignore other parts unintentionally. The solution of this case is “understanding her”.

In LN, anime and manga -monologue-, there’re scenes when Haruno was idolized because of her good looking and status very clearly. For example in manga @cοmic v3, there’s a scene that shows you how people tries to get close to her. “That scene” also shows how she is forcing herself so the conversation will end smoothly.

Last Stage

They share the same taste, they just don't know.
They share the same taste, they just don’t know.

Then Hachiman thinks those should be the reason why she was so persistent with Yukino because her younger sister is near Haruno’s position.

Maybe LN author wants to tell us about Haruno’s true condition by using Yukinoshita Yukino (雪ノ下 雪乃)‘s situation so we can understand Senior Yukinoshita sister clearly. The author shows Yukino’s loneliness clearly so we can understand this and have some sympathy. But since he doesn’t let us see Haruno’s case, there are many people are annoyed toward her annoying actions. But that is just a little part about her only, there is the factor that makes her do something like that.

When Hachiman thought both sisters are in the similar position and I need to connect with idolizing both of them too because they are things the author tries to tell us so we can understand Haruno, it reflects another unbelievable truth that Haruno was so persistent with Yukino is not because her love toward her sister only, it is because Haruno wants to rely upon her sister. (??)

At this point, my analyzing might confuse you because it is unbelievable for Haruno to rely on Yukino but I want to explain that we human want to find and approach some people who are like us, who can understand us. For example, a bookworm wants to chat with other people who read the same genre/story, or when someone who is so clumsy is delighted when s/he realizes that there is another people who is the same as her/him.

Their feeling that they have “friend” who is the same as them will …umm, this feeling will help them who are suffering. So the desire to be friend with people who is the same type can explain why Haruno is so persistent with her little sister and reflects her loneliness at the same time. This is why I wrote that Haruno wants to rely upon her sister because she understands well that her sister also suffers with the same case as hers.


The real feeling of Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃). (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 ep 9)“When” Haruno Decides to Help Yukino.

And it also connects with her effort to help her sister during the cultural festival. After she got info about Yukino’s situation and feeling from Yuigahama Yui (由比ヶ浜 結衣), she searched for the best strategy to recover Yukino’s self confidence so she will be herself again. If her little sister found herself, the chance they will recover their broken relationship, can be expected.

Do you notice that most characters in Oregairu story want someone or people who they can rely upon and understand them so their suffering will end?

Miura Yumiko (三浦 優美子) doesn't mind but she still wants the supporter. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 anime ep 11)Why Does Hachiman Decide to Accept Miura Yumiko’s (三浦 優美子) Request?

This is another case study but this time is Hachiman’s case. His case is very difficult to notice what I wrote above because we consume his own monologue. WW has the pro writing skill to cover this character’s true feeling since LN v1. But I think it’s not too hard for you since v12-13 descended to us already. Those references helped me find the answer (actually, v8-9 too). As long as you can forget his annoucement that he likes to be the loner over and over, you will reach the deepest desire of this character.

However, I noticed another side of Hachiman’s analyzing about she was so persistent with her little sister because her younger sister is near Haruno’s position. I mean, since LN v5-8, this Haruno’s behavior doesn’t happen to her younger sister only but “another person” too. Guess who? That person she approached many times or called him to hang out with her.

What I want to say is although the author uses this moment and Hachiman’s analyzing to make the new sight and hide it at the same time.

  • The moment I mentioned is the moment when Haruno comes to Hachiman at this time.
  • The new sight is Haruno also is persistent with Hachiman.

If my assumption is correct, it can explain her thought and behavior why she comes to this coffee shop to meet him as if she has so many free time. To prove my assumption, you can change the name, “Yukino” ⇒ “Hachiman” in his analyzing about Haruno just now and check my assumption by reading his monologue in LN again. Do you see how the author tells and hide the story by using the similar story? Brilliant. Actually, another evidence that can prove my theory is Haruno’s reply.

Haruno: “That’s right and the only person who really ever gives me the time is just Hikigaya-kun you see…”

Return to the original topic. My old assumption about the manipulating within Yukinoshita family is not wrong but it is just one part of her life that makes her suffer and feel lonely. Even if other people idolized them, they will not feel lonely if their family is the warm place. Although my first assumption is wrong, let me use this chance to say that Yukinoshita sisters are surrounded by people who can’t understand them but they never give other people the chance to understand their suffering either.

However, I really hope someday Yukinoshita family will change in the positive way in the future. Their mother and sisters are like three Americano for now (it’s not like I want to say Americano is not good, but it has the darkest color and the most bitter among coffees) but I’m sure they can transform to three warm Latte Art Heart someday. I believe in this warm future. ^ ^)-Ū

Oh! And again if my assumption above about Haruno is so persistent with Hachiman is true, I will use this chance to hope he will understand her feeling someday. And I think that time will be coming soon. SOONx10 months or up!! I know why a certain author is so persistent to hold Hachiman’s negative attiutude and his fear toward her until now. Everything has its own reason. He would plan to launch it in the end as the finishing blow. Huhuhu

This couple predicts how Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) and a certain will end up like this. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 anime Ep 13)

Maybe this is one of “her bitter truth”.

Haruno notices Hachiman is quiet, so she responses with her bitter smile that what she said earlier was just a joke.

At this point, I believe in her bitter smile but I don’t believe that is a joke. Because if we are Haruno who has no many friends and wants to be close with some people who can give her time (in this case is Hachiman because I feel that her answer earlier is true → [the only one who can give me the time is just Hikigaya-kun]), and noticed that the listener  was diving in his thought to review about herself and be quiet… It would be normal for her to notice that he is thinking about her life and it would not be too difficult to guess that he is thinking about her life in positive or negative way. If you are her, what do you thinking what Hachiman is reviewing.

If the answer is “positive”, she would not show her bitter smile and tells him that was just a joke. Her behavior to stop him occurs because she doesn’t want him to dive in that her unpleasant life, the zone she is not proud to let people see it. That’s why her answer earlier that she claimed that it is just a joke, is the truth, the negative one. On the other hand, she is the one who tries to stop him so her bitter smile is believable because it is consistent while the fact that she is joking is not true.

Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) notices Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) notices Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) is looking at her and sense something wrong with her, so she needs to wear the cheerful mask. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 Ep 3)

It’s similar with this moment.

Who will believe that Haruno wants … with Hachiman?

Now, I shall reveal the meaning of the title of this post to thee! Again I will present another unbelievable truth to my beloved readers. I believe that Hachiman would not believe me definitely. R-U-ready?

Haruno told him that she will not interfere so he doesn’t need to worry. Her words stops him to be a monster of logic so he responses immediately that

“Ah, sure. Do whatever you want.”

His words makes her blinks with surprise, but he thinks she doesn’t need to be surprised like that. If she comes to be a nuisance (or comes to destroy everything) during this double date, he would not mind because he can go home earlier.

When I tried to interpret Haruno’s feeling and behavior, I need to tell you first that Hachiman was annoyed her response. But her response is the factor that made him review about her and the one who is like her, her sister only. However, he never notices that “he” is another one who she wants to be with.

Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) interprets that Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) means Hayama Hayato (葉山 隼人) is expecting something will find him. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku)

…Could you say it again?
Yahari Bento: She wants to be with you.

Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) will call Hayama Hayato (葉山 隼人) for Orimoto Kaori (折本 かおり) and Nakamachi Chika (仲町 千佳). (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 ep 3)Even when Hayama told him she is fond of him, he doesn’t believe him because Hayama’s opinion is not consistent with Haruno’s image in Hachiman’s head but he chooses to belive that she just wants to toy him instead because her action at that time were messy clearly. Even I will not oppose his opinion because he can’t understand why she did that (he is the agent of readers/watchers who are confused because of her action).

So what do I want to tell you? I want to tell you that Hachiman never considers that Haruno (repeat, that Haruno) will see him like that, her equal who wants to rely upon and understands her? And I still not mention the ultimate truth that she wants him to pull her from her own suffering yet. And I am referring that Haruno who WW did his best to make Hachiman is afraid of her until this day.

The reasons I believe that she wants him to help her from the suffering.

  1. Hachiman’s monologue and her behavior earlier that I decoded and got the new truth that he also is the one she wants to be with. The new truth also makes me begin to understand her suspicious behavior (she scanned him) in LN v3.
  2. The third memorandum in v10 is consistent with the new truth that I extracted from Hachiman’s monologue. The origin of the owner of this memorandum’s suffering and her/his wish.
  3. In v10, her suspicious behavior (calling Yukino over) and make Hachiman to talk via her phone so her younger sister will show up, show me how Haruno relies upon them (and I notice this truth after I got the new assumption that is the main objective of this post! OMG). If my short conclusion this time confuses you, you should click the link because I explained why Haruno calls her little sister over. If you read her objective, you will see completely why I explain that she relies upon both Hachiman and Yukino at that time.

Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃)'s sadness because her sister, Yukinoshita Yukino (雪ノ下 雪乃) is still the same. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 ep 9)When Hachiman was thinking that Yukino is like Haruno’s equal (that is true because her deepest objective to help her sister during the cultural school festival in LN v6 is to be with Yukino like the old days again because Haruno is so lonely (!? That Haruno is like that?) since her younger sister left her) and I am sure that she also thinks that he is another one, that means he also is her equal. I will explain later why I think like this.

Do you see how WW uses [Hachiman’s analyzing][Haruno’s fake answer] (that is not fake at all) and the present situation, mix them together to tell another truth, the story about her feeling toward Hachiman?

Then, if my assumption is correct, it means while both of them are talking until Hachiman tells her to do whatever she wants, their desire are different. He wants this date will end quickly while she wants something different. What does she want? In order to know her desire, you need to explore her latest answer before he will reply her back that I underlined. ⇓

Haruno: “Well, earlier was just a joke, but I don’t plan on getting in your way or anything today, so you don’t have to worry.”
Hachiman: “Ah, sure. Do whatever you want.”

The speech I underlined is her another desire. In order to find the answer, I will remind you that we must not forget that she is a normal woman, her feeling is not different from others. And right now Hachiman and Haruno are chatting until he needs to join that date group. …I think I should make the list so we can see all factors I found to find her another desire.

  1. Her basic desire – wants Hachiman to give her the time because she wants to rely upon him, wants him to understand her so she can escape from the suffering.
  2. their desires are different – he wants to end this date quickly while she wants …
  3. the future event is the date.
  4. the present event is Haruno is so persistent with Hachiman.

I think you would begin to know what I want to reveal. I will say that each person has various desires. If I am not wrong, right now in this analysis, Haruno has 3 desires.

  • A: the wish to be close with her younger sister again.
  • B: (1) and (2) that I mentioned above.

It's difficult for Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) to refine what her sister, is doing, or even has done. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 anime ep 12)

Sorry. No anime pic for their meeting so I use pic from anime season 2 ep12 instead.

After I made list like these, the one thing we need to do is to not forget the future situation. The date group. If you read LN v8, you would notice that she went out of her way to spend time with Hachiman despite he will go out to join that dating sim soon. Hachiman doubt she has so much free time but I think WW wants to point us to notice this hint. If we collect all factors to the consideration, we will find her desire. I explained factors in (1)-(2) while you would know that (4) is the future event. But what is hard to notice is the factor in (4).

I really hope you will not believe her about brother-in-law because that is a joke for real. When we combine all four factors together along with their short conversation…

Haruno: “Well, earlier was just a joke, but I don’t plan on getting in your way or anything today, so you don’t have to worry.”
Hachiman: “Ah, sure. Do whatever you want.”

In girl eyes, Hayama Hayato (葉山 隼人) is the only cool guy. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 ep 4)
(Activate the nice aura in maximum!)

First, look at Haruno’s quote. Right now they are waiting for the date group that she forces him to join so she will know why Hayama wants Hachiman to join this date so much. That’s why she needs to …refrain her deeper desire to spend time with Hachiman. For this case, this dating event influences her feeling. I think it might occur before she will meet him at this coffee shop or else she will not go to meet him like that. Since this event influences her or her desire in (1) that I ever mentioned above, yes…, who will believe that…


she wants to go on the date with Hachiman.



Explosion scene in Akira アキラ Ακίρα Акира Акіра Ակիրա אקירה أكيرا अकिरा अकीरा আকিরা ਅਕੀਰਾ અકિરા அகிரா ಅಕಿರಾ აკირა አኪራ アキラ 阿基拉 아키라 anime

Spending time or hang out or go on a date with him, any is the same. But I still think telling you that she wants to go on a date with him is kinda weird. But I just want to explain another desire of her in (2) by considering all four factors I noticed from their conversation and Hachiman’s monologue. So I think her desire in (2) this time is subset of her basic desire (1). I mean, if she has no feeling as (1), she would not rush to hang out with him in this moment either. She can just wait for them (the date group) at that cafe.

Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) is waving to Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡). (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 Ep 4)
Even this person doesn’t know.

Do you see how Haruno’s two motivations are running inside her head? I mean, she wants to know why Hayama needs Hachiman to join the date to the point he bowed to him but she also wants to go on a date with Hachiman too. However, if she wants to know Hayama’s objective, she needs to hold another desire. However, the meeting between Hachiman and Haruno reflects how another desire of her is the strong desire. I mean, when she said she will not interfere Hachiman’s way, I believe it is true but she still can’t stop herself to hang out with him. Oh, yeah! The more I am writing, the more I understand the situation. Writing the blog is good idea.

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Another shocking news

That’s why for this moment, I will say that she wants to go on a date with him but in fact, her desire to has more interaction with him that has the significant connection with her main desire (1) that is not different from Yuigahama’s desire. I think it is not difficult to play back how both of them are happy every time they can spend time with him. …Huh? If their feeling and cases are similar, it means this truth can be drawn as a certain polygon. Could it be it’s l*** t*******? Whoa! WHOA!!

Yuigahama Yui (由比ヶ浜 結衣) asks Yukinoshita Yukino (雪ノ下 雪乃) from Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) and realizes she didn't come. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 ep 9)

Another another desire

Since I assume that Haruno wants to go on a date with him, another evidence that will prove my assumption is her own reply.

“Well, earlier was just a joke, but I don’t plan on getting in your way or anything today, so you don’t have to worry.”

Her answer is consistent with my assumption above but the truth I found out is not this only. Do you see the quote I underlined? She says she doesn’t plan on getting in his way or anything today but her action earlier, her desire I decoded, and their hanging out told me that it is not true. Most people are not honest. Unfortunately Hachiman never notices this “INCREDIBLE” truth. Haruno is not the honest person when it comes to her own embarassing feeling. That’s why I will TL her quote so you will see another desire. As I wrote, she has many desires.

TL: “Well, earlier was just a joke, but I don’t plan on getting in your way or anything today, so you don’t have to worry.

(Evil smile) This is another desire of this character that also is subset of other desires in (1) & (2). Since she wants to go on a date with him, it is normal to plan on getting in his way that can be “ignoring Hayama’s tour” so both of them will do anything similar with OVA in anime season 2 shows us for example (in case you can’t imagine how both of them will go on a date becuase they never did that officially even once) but her stu*** desire (you know which desire I am referring) refrains her to do whatever she wants so she needs to let him go. Since Haruno is the type to do whatever she wants but she chooses to hold her feeling instead, this reflects her motivation to know what Hayama is planning is so strong.

Anyway, the truth is she plans to snatch him to go on a date with her instead is the messenger from the author… superb!!

The factor I am not sure.

While I was writing the analysis above, I remember [her jealous toward Orimoto Kaori(折本 かおり) – the conversation between Hachiman and Haruno via phone, especially when she teased him about hanging out with Orimoto] in anime Yahari Zoku ep3-4. So this time is my own personal opinion only since I have no any hint to point its possibility. What I want to say is it is possible that those events are strong factors that influence her to estrablish her desire (wants to go on a date with him) and her action (go to meet him to hang out a bit) latterly. …Why are you not aggressive like in ∨n? Sigh… CHANGE!!


Of course if Hachiman is reading my post, he must not believe me like since he didn’t believe Hayama in anime ss2 ep3 so to check the answer again, you can check the conversation between Haruno and Hachiman and his monologue.

“Well, earlier was just a joke, but I don’t plan on getting in your way or anything today, so you don’t have to worry.”
“Ah, sure. Do whatever you want.”
“Oh, what a surprising response.”
Haruno-san blinked with surprise. 

Her feeling that hides in her words this time is so easy to be overlooked, to the point I didn’t notice it. I will tell you that their short conversation above is like she got “the permission” from him that it surprises her. Her action to change the topic (stops Hachiman to think about her miserable life ⇒ the double dating event instead) and her reaction toward his permission, show how she wants to know Hayama’s objective but she also wants to do another thing that is “getting in Hachiman’s way”. Getting his way is like she told him above. ⇑ This means deep inside, she wants to getting in his way or anything today. …Damn, if she just throw her curious to find Hayama’s motivation away… CHANGE!!

Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) Hayama Hayato (葉山 隼人) (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Anime ep4)

Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) "asks" Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) to check something. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku)

Hachiman, do as the subtitle in the second image said, okay?

In order to understand her in this part, I need to try to collect and focus at what the author tries to present. So my old assumption about manipulation within Yukinoshita family is not what the author tries to present despite it is not wrong.

The references that help me understand her feeling is “game”. In her route, “her surprised expression” toward protagonist’s words can be used to check her hidden feeling. This is how this reference helps me understand her in this part too. Of course LN also helps me interpret her feeling in the end as the main reference.

How about some heart waffle? Have some while read my sermon.

The happiness from LN and game is like the happiness when you have delicious waffles and coffee.

And then, Haruno Got His Permission.

You would notice that Hachiman’s answer changes everything. He doesn’t know why his answer surprises her like that but if we look via Haruno’s point of view, his answer is like the permission for her. Since their wishes are different as I mentioned earlier in (2), he understands like this, she understands like that. That’s why he replies like this, she reples like that. If we look via her point of view by using all factors I wrote above, she who wants to get in his way so she can hang out with him but needs to refrain this desire, interpreted his answer with her own understanding. You can say she is misunderstanding, she would think he wants her to do as she told him.

So if things were as I analyzed, it means somewhere within her heart, there is the gladness definitely even if she or the author tries to hide her feeling so readers will not notice it. No blush, no even tsundere that is the unique action she will show whenever she is embarassed because of him only (yes, embarassed. She is a normal woman who is like that because I saw her be like that many times in LN and ∨n although her tsundere is kinda special since the author did his best to hold the tsudere’s power within her to the point we hardly notice it is trundere). To know her feeling after his answer surprised her, you need to sit as if you are herself. And imagining when both of them hang out together is not difficult becuase there are many times they do like that in anime season 2 and even season 3 too, I think.

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ps. I feel sorry if you are only anime watcher or manga -Monologue- reader because you will not witness Haruno’s tsundere in anime (at least in ss1-2). I will confess that after I realized that is how she tsundere to Hachiman, every tsundere of Haruno is, is… (clench fist while crying!) Oh! I will tell you more that her tsuderes in ∨n are clearer than LN.


I wish for this ∨n to be TL and we can play in steam! Will Santa hear my wish?

However, I don’t know why she still chooses to do plan A despite plan B is so strong for her. Maybe the author just wants us to know her deep desires during this event, I assume. Or presenting how Hayama treats people around him for his own goal also is important for the story after that. Anyway, after she understands that he allowed her to do whatever she wants that is not different from letting her to enter his zone, she accepts his offer like that. This acceptance is the ending of their meeting because after that she tells him it’s time for that date. Do you see how the author created this moment to reveal her desires? Their meeting this time is so short but meaningful. You-should-not-miss! ( ^o^)<

This couple predicts how Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡) and a certain will end up like this. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. Oregairu My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Oregairu Zoku My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。続 俺ガイル 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了。續 anime Ep 13)

Anyway, there are three people who she wants to spend time with, sensei, her younger sister and this boy but this time is this boy. So I will end this analysis at this point.


Hmm, I’ll take you up on your offer then. And it’s just about time.”


Banzai!! (Wrong pic.)

This is my new vague assumption.

Time Out

Haruno tells Hachiman it’s time for double date while watching her wrist watch. She grins at him, waves her hand and sends him off. …It seems she wants to be detective (looks from her clothes in anime Zoku ep4). Since she wants to find the reason why Hayama wants Hachiman to this dating group to the point he bowed, I decided to analyze his thought and actions. But the next post will be about the third memorandum in LN v10.


What do you think about “what happened” during both of them have conversation? If you have any the same or different thoughts, please let me know by park your opinion in comment form.

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Haruno Launches OPERATION Fire Doughnut

Part 1 Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4

The truths behind Hayato’s sacrifice for Hachiman.

Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3

The Conclusion of Haruno’s Plan (Operation Fire Doughnut) & The TRUTH(s) behind Hayama’s Sacrifice for Hachiman.

Part 1Part 2Part 3 • The Last Part

Related Oregairu analysis you should not miss!

After you read about manipulation in the post above, I recommend you this analysis. If you want to know Haruno’s feeling until now. I swear you will never know from anywhere before.

Author: Yahari Bento ( ^ v^)*

Eye wanna eat Quinoa Fried Rice. It would be SO GOOD! SO GOOD! ( ^ )3^)

13 thoughts on “Oregairu Analysis – I Can’t Believe Yukinoshita Haruno (雪ノ下 陽乃) Wants to … With Hikigaya Hachiman (比企谷 八幡)!? [Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru.]”

  1. Great analyzis as always.
    About the line that Hikigaya’s wrote on the end of LN Vol.1, I already know it, but he solely did it because of the situation on the service club.

    As for Vol.6, i think that Haruno only fanned the flames of Sagami to increase the overload of work to Yukinoshita, making her show her true form, the one that is weak and relies on others.

    I think that this is supported by the fact of how Yukinoshita acts and talks when Hikigaya and Yuigahama goes to visit her rented apartament when she is fatigued due to the overwork.

    Some lines of her talk show part of her weak-minded and dependant personality, this is further increased on the part of the Anime that her asks Haruno for help and get a strange response from her.

    I’m Hoping for Part 6.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For v6, your theory is interesting and reasonable. I can see your point of view about Haruno’s intention to show another view of Yukino.

      However, I suspect Haruno’s intention is she wants Yukino to sit in chairwoman position and drives Sagami away, or to degrade the overconfident Sagami into not important Sagami (how dare you bully my sister in front of me – Haruno didn’t say that).

      Why do I think like this?
      When Haruno knows that Sagami is slacking off with her friends in the class, instead hurries to the committee room and does her job. Haruno realizes Sagami is unsuitable to be chairwoman, and her slacking off will make Yukino works harder unnecessary but Sagami will get credit as the chairwoman. This is not fair in Haruno’s point of view, so she decides to downgrade Sagami and makes Yukinoshita to be the suitable position instead.

      About what Haruno fanned the flames of Sagami, I think she did that for Yukinoshita for sure. But her secret plan runs smoothly until it was destroyed by Hachiman. Can you remember when he talks about “people” word in the middle of the meeting? Haruno knows what he is doing so she laughs loudly until Hiratsuka-sensei stops her. Her laugh tells me that she can’t believe someone will destroy her plan directly and in front of her.
      Haruno says she’s ok with this (his plan). Because although he destroys her secret plan but the result will be better to her sister, any paths are fine to her.

      Actually, if Hachiman doesn’t stop Sagami’s policy (has fun with the class too) by pointing him as “the enemy” of all committee members, Haruno’s plan to downgrade Sagami, will be successful anyway. At least Hachiman and Haruno know s/he needs to do something to this stupid situation because of Sagami.

      I think I will do analysis about this v6 in more deep depth more than this, but it’s just a “what-to-do list” for now.


  2. So, this is what i like in Oregairu, you never know the true intents of Wataru-Sensei.

    What you think Hayama is trying to say when he states that he made a misunderstanding in Vol.8 during the shopping dialogue with Hachiman, when he says that both of them never liked anything nor anyone?
    I think that this add points to your teory that Haruno is the “Y” that Hayama likes.
    He have made the same thing as Hikigaya, confessing to Haruno by a misunderstanding and got rejected probaly?
    I would like to know your opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. About Hayama’s dialogue back then is one of interesting clue & makes me plan to analyze about this in his point of view too.

      I think his reason to say something like that might be the same reason as Hachiman’s (after was rejected by Kaori and his doing becomes the gossip) or just to comfort himself or both.


      1. Thanks for the reply, also i think that your first memorandum person is wrong, as i have the most sure that the person in questions is Yukinoshita Haruno not Yukino, why i say this ?
        The Book No Longer Human tell this on it’s own summary :

        No Longer Human is told in the form of scraps left by a troubled man incapable of revealing his [true self to others], and who is instead forced to uphold a [facade] of hollow [jocularity].

        The only person that is Troubled, uses a Hollow Facade and is full of Joculariy is in true, Yukinoshita Haruno, not Yukino.

        The Second Memorandum is correct, as Hayato besides everything that happened, still see himself as a inferior complexed man in regards to how Hikigaya stole everything from him[even without knowing what Hikigaya’s stole, is he a god or something?], even Hikigaya being inferior in every aspect of his life.
        To this way Hayama will made everything on the verge of his strenght to make Hikigaya a equal person to him, eve throwing his pride of on the process, to accept Hachiman as a true winner of everything that was from him, ergo, Haruno, Yukino, Peace of Mind and self-consciousness.

        The Third memorandum is from Yukinoshita Yukino as she wonders what is a genuine thing to give to Hikigaya and [to herself trying to fulfill Hikigaya’s request] what is truly genuine, this probably leading to her being aware of her feelings toward him, as is seen on the end of vol.11.

        MAAAAN i want Wataru-sensei to come back to his work on Oregairu, finish it already sensei.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks for long comment, I love when my readers devoted their time to write their thoughts in maximum! However, I hope you will write this comment in one of my posts about memorandum, because I want other readers have the chance to read your useful comment too. But never mind, I just want to let you know.

          It’s very interesting to read your thought about No longer Hum*n to find who should be that person. If you go deep depth in who can be the trouble who uses hollow facade because s/he can’t reveal the true self to others, and that person is Haruno, I think you are right.

          However, that person who has facade, is just not her only in my opinion. In Oregairu v10 (I will try to remember what is in v1-10, not 11, because the memorandums were written in v10), as I can remember, there are so many characters who can’t reveal his/her true self and have no choice but to hide themselves in facade.

          • Yukino – Her strong ice queen facade started to shattered during before the cultural festival, when Hachiman realized from Haruno that she knows about his car accident but pretended to not know.
          • Hayama (nice guy mask)
          • Haruno (perfect mask)
          • Hachiman – Pretend to not realize Yui’s feeling.
          • Yuigahama (nice girl mask)
          • Ebina (fujoshi outside)
          • Ishhiki (cute girl outside)

          When you mentioned about Hayama said he feel inferior to Hachiman because he steals everything from him, if you already read my analysis about “Y” + all parts of Haruno’s operation fire doughnut and plus with anime zoku ep 3-4, you will know what Hayama means about what Hachiman steals from him.

          For the third memorandum, if my memory is not wrong, Yukino wonders what Hachiman means about the genuine he announced. However, she is not the only one who wonders about what is truly genuine. This character wonders about it too and many times.

          Ah! I wrote about “hidden keywords” in each analysis about memorandums too. At first, I think this keyword in the first memo might be coincidence. However, when I found hidden keywords in 2nd and 3rd memorandums, I don’t think I’m wrong. Because it is more than coincidence to see those hidden keywords in every memorandums.

          • “New Year” is hidden keyword in 1st memo.
          • “Person is” hidden keyword in 2nd memo.

          (For more info, please read in each my memorandum analysis.)

          AHHHH! I really hope Watari-sensei will finish v12 and reveals us who are owners of each memorandums!!


  3. Amazing analysis! It really gave me a new perspective into the character of Haruno, so thank you for this!

    I hope they’ll be more soon! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I will post the final part of Haruno’s operation to reveal what happened in anime Zoku ep4. If you want more info about the last part, you can find in this.


        I’ll make more for sure, @6man. While you’re waiting, you can read Hayato’s truth (part 1) (from the link above) because it’s in the same timeline as Haruno’s operation & that analysis will focused on what happened in Zoku anime ep3 from Hayato’s pov.


        1. Thank you! I’m looking forward to it. 🙂

          I’ll also be sure to read the Hayato analysis, it looks interesting as well. 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  4. The way i thought about the relationship between Haruno and 8man is like this:
    1) Yukinoshita Haruno loves her little sister very much but can’t get close to her since Yukino hates her.
    2) She thought of people she could use to learn more about Yukino, these are the option:
    – She could ask her former teacher Shizuka, but since she has her own responsibility (being a teacher and all) plus Shizuka has a certain amount of understanding of Haruno’s nature it would be quite hard to manipulates her.
    – Hayama is out of the question, beside in situation like in the doughnut shop where she use his feeling toward Haruno (assuming your theory was right) to use him as a scapegoat and as a subject to her revenge, it’s impossible for her to fully control him since as you’ve said he’s intelligent, so much so that he will foil Haruno’s operation. Hayama also has a certain amount of understanding of Haruno’s nature so he could use it against her. Finally, since Yukino also hates him for the incident during their childhood, Hayama is unable to get too close to her, rendering him useless to Haruno’s desire.
    – Haruno could also use Yuigahama but she has limited amount of control toward her. 1st, Yui’s a girl so Haruno’s appearance won’t be effective against her. Also, Yuigahama has a certain degree of interpersonal skill (thanks to that she becomes kind of a pacifier in Hayato’s clique) so she’s also a liability toward Haruno.
    3) But out of nowhere, the final component in her plan-the 8man himself-arrived right beside Haruno’s sweet little sister. After studying him for a while she deems him to be what she was looking for:
    – 8man-imo-is as smart as Hayato. This is a liability as he can figures out Haruno’s true color but also is an advantage as his intelligence allows her to ask him things without giving away too much information, allows her to keep her little secret.
    – He knows the three people i’ve previously mention and possibly what they think and feels about him (Shizuka cares about the boy and acts sort of like a mother figure, Hayato hates 8man but still holds respect toward him,
    Yuigahama’s crush on 8man) so she can use those relationship to ask 8man to make them gives out what they know regarding her sister (Shizuka’s observation of her student, Hayato’s observation + his childhood experience, Yui being bff to Yukino is a big plus!).
    – She can also use her appeal onto him 🙂
    At least that’s what she thought initially as she becomes really fond of him. However i disagree that this would mean she’s romantically interest in him:
    1) In the OreGairu zoku anime where the service club and Hayato’s clique went to the theme park, Yukino did reveal that other people thought of her as a nice and quiet girl (and i don’t think that she becomes like that after the incident as she didn’t specify the time, therefore i’m assuming she has been like that). The reason i stated that fact is because at first i think Haruno believed that Yukino is happy with Hayato, therefore support their relationship initially..
    2) But after the incident, she learned that Hayato was unable to save her sister from the bullies, forcing her to study abroad and separating the 2 sisters apart. She grows to hate Hayato and became disillusioned until she met 8man.
    3) After learning about 8man she knew he’ve had harsh experience regarding people therefor it’s unlikely that she would do something like the previous incident (base on the fact that 8man has many time used himself as a scapegoat so that the people who was actually responsible don’t feel the result of their action) but Haruno’s harsh experience told her to thoroughly test him to see if he’s capable of making her sister happy.
    –>In conclusion: Haruno puts Hachiman in the position that was used to be Hayato’s (therefore explain why Hayato thinks Hachiman took everything away from him) therefore she treats 8man affectionately like a BIG SISTER- more so than Hayato- as she implies it quite often (onne-san this onne-san that). She put a lot of trust in this kid to gain back her little sister’s love back to her and if Haruno were to actually falls for 8man it would put a strain in their relationship and Haruno-i think- loves her sister to the point she will try her damndest to avoid it. This would also explain why she constantly try to pair Yukino and 8man.
    p.s. this is quite long so i appreciate if anyone take the time to read it. And remember, IT’S JUST A THEORY! A THEORY ABOUT AN EXTREMELY DEVIOUS WOMAN!

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    1. >>2) She thought of people she could use to learn more about Yukino
      I agree with you that Haruno loves her sister but she can’t get close to her. But I still doubt Haruno is the type who will use manipulation to all people who she doesn’t hate. For the one she hates, she will manipulate (such as Sagami (Hayama is like taboo in Haruno’s thought because the bitter past he did to her sister, so there’s no way she will use forbidden being who ever hurt her sister before, to save the same person again)), I agree with your assumption. But when she tries to save Yukino, I notice she is trying her best to make that happen. I see she needs some valuable info from people around Yukino so she will know what to do to save Yukino. And it’s not manipulations. I see she tries to be villain in some occasions so her sister will has important position/role. Actually, I can see a tiny and shining piece when she is talking with Hachiman and Yuigahama during firework festival. I plan to write about that moment so my readers will know her intention toward her sister. However, about your theory is very interesting that makes me try to think so I can response your reply properly.

      In 3) It seems there’re many things we have different opinions but that’s why I like to read comments from readers. However, I agree with you again that Haruno just want Yukino back again like they are in the past. But I will add more that so Haruno will not be alone too. She deserves big reward.

      About Haruno’s characteristic, author is trying his best to make readers (even me) to believe she is scary and manipulate type/devilish by telling about this info from 8man’s monologues. Actually, “over effort” from author, makes me suspect why he do something like that, since in sometimes, I don’t see why 8man must be terrified toward Haruno that much just because he can’t understand her or can’t read her. But I will leave about this for now because the one who can make my curious feeling clear, is the author only.

      ps. Thanks for long reply, I didn’t read good theory for a while. I hope you will write your thoughts again after read my other works, @Cud. :3


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